Thursday 11 April 2013

Week 11

In this chapter, the results gathered from the experiment are collected and are analyzed based on different segment. The information on the graph are based on the experiment data that have been done and contain information associated to VoIP performance:

  • Jitter : Jitter value is considered acceptable between 0ms and 50 ms and above from this, it is considered as   unacceptable.
  • Packet Loss : the acceptable packet loss is 1% to 3%
  • MOS Score : MOS or Mean Opinion Score are rated form 1(Unsatisfactory) to 5(Excellent)
  • R-factor : R-Factor or Rating Factor are rated 0(Extremely poor quality) to 100(High Quality), but if under 50, then it is considered as unacceptable

So, the VoIP performance will be done using VoIP performance software and IEEE802.11 signal software, as mention in previous chapter. The graph will be presented in multiple way; VoIP performance on IEEE802.11b and IEEE802.11g. Furthermore, analysis on VoIP performances comparison will also be done; VoIP performance comparison on IEEE802.11b and g, and an overall performance analysis which combine all two of wireless standard, VoIP performance comparison on IEEE802.11b and IEEE802.11g. 

*p/s : The result and analysis of the study is not conclusive or proven, but more to assumption based on the experiments that have been done.

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